Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trends in the use of solar energy

Did you know that solar energy is calculated in kilowatt per hour? A kilowatt of energy is equal to 1,000 watts of use. Generally known as a kilowatt-hour or kWh. This is the unit of measure of the amount of energy required for the recording of a lamp that is 100-Watt for a period of ten more standard hours.

State of the u.s. Energy Department facts that here in the United States an average household uses approximately 900 kilowatts of electricity per hour each month.In 1999 an average household spent $ 70 a month on bills of energía.Y around thirty percent of went them to heat water.

Some basic facts on solar energy

? Home solar power systems generally consist of six basic elements. There are solar panels (photovoltaic cells), an investor with system backup battery, charge controller unit and a support structure.

? a home solar powered system is classified by 1kw will usually take about one or two days to build.The average cost of installation is of approximately 10,000 $. price real will vary. And there are government incentives offered in most countries to take into consideration.

Solar installed ? 1 Kilowatt system logon is compiled from ten to twelve solar panels or cells.An array of this size will require an excess of 100 square feet of space for installation.

? a system like this generates almost 1,600 kilowatts of energy each year. but this estimate is based on a very sunny area.A climate which has approximately five hours and a half worth of Sun every day.In a climate cloud type kilowatt production can place up to around 750 kilowatt per day.It is with the Sun for two hours a day.

? Al 1 kilowatt nominal home solar power system will be to frustrate approximately 180 pounds of coal since it consumes each mes.Esto equals the same use of energy as 300 pounds of CO2 are set in our atmosphere requiring more than a hundred gallons water value to do so.

? powered solar home systems are normally built cells, panels and discos.Por arrays usually approximately forty of photovoltaic cells are combined to form a panel.Se monta a set of ten to twelve for the hogar.El panels array, then, is positioned to face due to the norte.Se trafficking address that receives most of sunlight during the día.Mayoría systems provide a system backup battery power to provide energy storage for cloudy days or at night.

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