Without argument, during the last century electricity provided opportunities for the majority of major advances and enhancements, media known to mankind. New technologies and inventions, dependent on electric power, are constantly being developed. To measure the growth of the world's population and economy increases so too the exponential demand for electricity. Today, electricity has become a commodity people cannot live without. In the past, fossil fuels such as coal and oil we provided the resources needed to produce electricity using generators in power plants. Recently, led to an increase in the demand for new research for the development of safe and clean energy sources. Such a source of energy is solar energy.
Understanding of best solar industry helps people accept the possibility of energy solar decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.The cost of fossil fuels is going to increase while at the same time inevitably will decrease your disponibilidad.AquĆ are some important, and few facts solar, new energy that everyone should know.
Solar energy has been available to humanity since day 1.
Available for all members of each country. In the course of a year, each person has access to the same amount of solar energy.
Solar energy is free and plentiful. Spending only enters the picture when we try to take advantage of solar energy and convert it to usable energy sources for everyday use.
Solar energy is available only during daylight hours. But with storage battery, can be saved and made available for use during the hours of night time power.
Solar energy is renewable.
It is renewable every 12 to 14 hours. Solar electric panels are becoming more easily available and affordable.
This makes the following popular both commercially as residentially. Solar panel grids can start small in size, and then expand as the demands of the need and individual finances dictate.
Solar energy can be directly converted to electricity or stored as battery power.
People, then can use this power to heat or cold homes, hot water, illuminating houses during the night, execution of devices and much more.
The majority of solar panels have a guarantee of more than 20 years and a life expectancy of more than 40 years. This makes an excellent investment for Office or home owner.Solar panels have no moving parts, therefore, require very little maintenance, virtually any replacement parts and run quietly and eficiente.Con installation of solar energy, the U.S. house owner receives a credit generous Uncle Sam tax. Technical advances and new inventions continue to solar energy more affordable and effective.
Move the trend towards the use of energy more clean and sustainable is essential.Why we can not have the energy of the Sun and improve the well-being of mankind? solar electricity systems provide the means to achieve this goal.
Solar electricity systems use direct and indirect energy of the sol.Para more information of solar energy, methods of saving energy and products that can reduce its dependence on your power company guidelines go to http://www.newsolarenergyfacts.com/articles.
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