Solar energy produced is a function of how many photons from sunlight strike his solar cell and how many of these photons actually obtain a movement create a flow of electrons. The number of photons, or amount of sunlight that hits its solar cell must determine to see how many cells or solar panels you'll need for the solar system. This energy will vary considerably depending on latitude, time of year and cloud cover that can wait for your region.
How we measure solar energy?
Solar energy is a combination of the hours of sunlight and the strength of the sunlight can expect on your site.This combination is expressed as insolation and is expressed as an average irradiance measured in kilowatt-hours per square metre per día.Por definition, solar irradiance of 1,000 watts per square metre is what is expected to noon in the middle of summer when the Sun is highest. Solar irradiance usually measured in the number of kilowatts per square meter per day, so if I were to Sun for 8 hours, and always in force majeure, the solar irradiance would 8.0.
Solar irradiance can vary significantly throughout the year especially in northern latitudes.For example, irradiance for New York City is 6.0 in June and 1.7 only in December, producing an average for the year of 4.0.This means that the solar energy in December is 70% less than in junio.Compare this with Phoenix where irradiance is 7.8 in June and 3.0 in December or 5.5 for the year if you are not tied to the grid, this means that its capacity has to be more than 2.3 to 3 times the size which may be dictated by June numbers. The values for your location are easily available online from NASA satellites have been compiling this information around the world for many years.
How do we use Irradiance to plan the size of your system.?
If we know how many kilowatts we need to meet the electrical requirements of our home, we are in a position to change the size of our system.If we are building a grid-tie system, you can use the annual irradiance average for its calculation since the goal is to make our payment with your utility company zero during an entire year. If we are building a system from outside the network, we have to choose the value of the irradiance for December, because we need to produce enough energy throughout the year.
If you divide your requirements for the day of the irradiance, you will receive the number of Watts which must generate the system.For example, if your home in Phoenix requires 600kw per month, or 20kw per day, system would be necessary to generate approximately 3600 Watts per hour of full sol.Desde solar panels cite the Watts of power they produce based on the standard of 1,000 watts per square metre may divide 3600 Watts output panels for our example, the number of panels you need for your have if the panel is valued at 150 Watts, 24 panels would be necessary.
My name is Bruce Clancy and I've been a Do It Yourself nut for more than 25 years. at that point, I have I gained a lot of knowledge about the challenges that face owners when dealing with a new project and learn new habilidades.Con energy costs rise, I cumplí my energies for installation solar casa.Si owner to learn more about a solar energy system, please visit my site at
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