Saturday, October 30, 2010

How is solar energy used & How Can You use Solar Energy Too?

With the rising costs of fuels and heating methods, many people searched for solar energy. Solar energy can significantly help to offset rising heating costs. A question that many people can have is how is solar energy used? Solar energy can have many uses of a home.

Solar energy methods

Solar energy has many potential uses. You can feed a home, hot water, used for natural lighting or heated swimming pool, among other things. Current solar energy can be active or passive. A couple of examples of active solar are thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels (PV). A thermal collector is a panel with tubes below what could be placed in a pool for example.When the panel heated hot pipes and the agua.El heated hot water, then, you can use for what you want. There is no cost to the heated using this natural method.

Passive methods are those that have less direct impact.Some examples could choose optimal designs for air circulation or building his house to make the best use of the sol.Haciendo a more compact House (for a better surface to volume ratio) will help as shading specific usage (outbound) and materials with good thermal térmica.Masa mass is a measure of the ability to store heat. These things can produce well-lit spaces and provide comfortable temperature ranges when used correctly.

Greenhouse Solar Power

Solar energy can also be used in the agricultura.El best-known example of this would be a greenhouse effect. A greenhouse uses the Sun to constant heat plants. To this end, converting sunlight to heat.Solar energy in agriculture is mainly to maximize the productivity of plants.Some minor using solar energy in agriculture known examples are planting cycle times to maximize growth and orient the rows of plants for the sunlight possible majority.

Now back to the PV panels.They are primarily used to convert energy solar in electricidad.puede be as small as a single on a calculator or a large matrix cell to feed a small house.That is what is commonly known as living outside the cuadrícula.Utilice this method for a household power excess storage required for those times when there is no light from the sol.Las batteries are the most common method to store the excess solar electric.

Therefore, how used solar energy? these are but a few examples of the many uses.

Are you interested in the use of solar energy for yourself? visit energy-efficient homes to learn more about how you can make your own solar panels and discover other ways in which you can generate their own electricity.

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