Sunday, October 31, 2010

Start converting to solar power - solar panels for your home page

Alternative energy becomes increasingly popular with each month. Not only due to the forthcoming energy crisis, but also because it is much cheaper. There are many ways of alternative energy, the most popular are the power of the wind, Sun and water. This is the most popular alternative energy sources. But what I knew you that solar energy, solar energy, also known as it is the most lucrative among them?

First, Sun be there, even if the weather is cloudy, technology today that will continue to always be able to generate energy. Secondly, the Sun is everywhere, there is no place on Earth where there is no Sun!And finally, it is cheaper to build and install compared to other systems energy true alternativa.Por, did you know that it can generate its own generator solar energy at home?

Many people already to convert your home to solar energy and they are saving lots of money each month. Some of them even completely eliminate its draft Energy Act. Solar panel, build and install is really easy and not time-consuming. Generally speaking, even for a newbie, which is not really friendly with technology, probably take him a day or two to configure everything.Solar panels don't cost much to general construir.En, people spend something around $100 for the entire process of compilation and installation.I also suggest you after some kind of tutorial step by step, to fasten the process and will be much easier for you.

Want to find the best guide to follow? make sure you read the solar panel home tests [].Para read, simply click on this link []]

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How is solar energy used & How Can You use Solar Energy Too?

With the rising costs of fuels and heating methods, many people searched for solar energy. Solar energy can significantly help to offset rising heating costs. A question that many people can have is how is solar energy used? Solar energy can have many uses of a home.

Solar energy methods

Solar energy has many potential uses. You can feed a home, hot water, used for natural lighting or heated swimming pool, among other things. Current solar energy can be active or passive. A couple of examples of active solar are thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels (PV). A thermal collector is a panel with tubes below what could be placed in a pool for example.When the panel heated hot pipes and the agua.El heated hot water, then, you can use for what you want. There is no cost to the heated using this natural method.

Passive methods are those that have less direct impact.Some examples could choose optimal designs for air circulation or building his house to make the best use of the sol.Haciendo a more compact House (for a better surface to volume ratio) will help as shading specific usage (outbound) and materials with good thermal térmica.Masa mass is a measure of the ability to store heat. These things can produce well-lit spaces and provide comfortable temperature ranges when used correctly.

Greenhouse Solar Power

Solar energy can also be used in the agricultura.El best-known example of this would be a greenhouse effect. A greenhouse uses the Sun to constant heat plants. To this end, converting sunlight to heat.Solar energy in agriculture is mainly to maximize the productivity of plants.Some minor using solar energy in agriculture known examples are planting cycle times to maximize growth and orient the rows of plants for the sunlight possible majority.

Now back to the PV panels.They are primarily used to convert energy solar in electricidad.puede be as small as a single on a calculator or a large matrix cell to feed a small house.That is what is commonly known as living outside the cuadrícula.Utilice this method for a household power excess storage required for those times when there is no light from the sol.Las batteries are the most common method to store the excess solar electric.

Therefore, how used solar energy? these are but a few examples of the many uses.

Are you interested in the use of solar energy for yourself? visit energy-efficient homes to learn more about how you can make your own solar panels and discover other ways in which you can generate their own electricity.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Improve the quality of air with solar energy

Zero emissions as solar electricity and solar water heating solar technologies reduce the pollution of air, thus improving the quality of air. Energy in the cities, States, Federal agencies and the public officials can generally help improve air quality, the objectives of the Clean Air Act, and reduce costs taxpayers and industry pollution control.

Solar technologies provide energy for heating, cooling, lighting homes and hot water without any direct emissions thereby helping to reduce emissions of air and improving air quality. The use of solar energy systems replaces the generation of electricity from oil, coal and natural gas power plants.Air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and mercury are reduced considerablemente.Además, also minimize GHG as carbon dioxide emissions.

Do your part to reduce air pollution

Solar electric systems may offset part or all of your home electricity use.
Solar water heating systems can assist with sinks, showers, laundry, swimming pools, spas and domestic heating.Solar heating systems are reliable, adaptable and pollution-free.

For less than $200, you can create your own arranque.puede solar power generation system reduce that cost using further used but can be repairable solar panels or parts cheap eBay.As slowly replace traditional use of solar energy electricity, you will need to add more solar panels to the base system to generate additional solar energy.

Future of solar energy

Solar energy has many advantages:

Emits little or ningunaUtiliza pollution little aguaA often does not require any construction of electrical wires

To measure solar energy costs continue to decline and become more stringent standards of quality of the air can become a more attractive option for cities and States.

For more tips and reviews of the best DIY kits for solar energy, visit the web site, what solar energy now.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trends in the use of solar energy

Did you know that solar energy is calculated in kilowatt per hour? A kilowatt of energy is equal to 1,000 watts of use. Generally known as a kilowatt-hour or kWh. This is the unit of measure of the amount of energy required for the recording of a lamp that is 100-Watt for a period of ten more standard hours.

State of the u.s. Energy Department facts that here in the United States an average household uses approximately 900 kilowatts of electricity per hour each month.In 1999 an average household spent $ 70 a month on bills of energía.Y around thirty percent of went them to heat water.

Some basic facts on solar energy

? Home solar power systems generally consist of six basic elements. There are solar panels (photovoltaic cells), an investor with system backup battery, charge controller unit and a support structure.

? a home solar powered system is classified by 1kw will usually take about one or two days to build.The average cost of installation is of approximately 10,000 $. price real will vary. And there are government incentives offered in most countries to take into consideration.

Solar installed ? 1 Kilowatt system logon is compiled from ten to twelve solar panels or cells.An array of this size will require an excess of 100 square feet of space for installation.

? a system like this generates almost 1,600 kilowatts of energy each year. but this estimate is based on a very sunny area.A climate which has approximately five hours and a half worth of Sun every day.In a climate cloud type kilowatt production can place up to around 750 kilowatt per day.It is with the Sun for two hours a day.

? Al 1 kilowatt nominal home solar power system will be to frustrate approximately 180 pounds of coal since it consumes each mes.Esto equals the same use of energy as 300 pounds of CO2 are set in our atmosphere requiring more than a hundred gallons water value to do so.

? powered solar home systems are normally built cells, panels and discos.Por arrays usually approximately forty of photovoltaic cells are combined to form a panel.Se monta a set of ten to twelve for the hogar.El panels array, then, is positioned to face due to the norte.Se trafficking address that receives most of sunlight during the día.Mayoría systems provide a system backup battery power to provide energy storage for cloudy days or at night.

Herb likes learning about the power options alternativa.Por please refer to your Web site containing information pool pump timer, as well as the swimming pool pump filter.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Solar Energy & solar panels create impressive News Around the World

Yesterday was a wonderful day for solar panels as we saw Solar Impulse do news around the world, after an hour 26 fully powered by solar energy flight pioneer.

Solar Power Is The Future concept that future trips a day will be equipped with the Sun is a sound that we continue to create more advanced panels covering more than energy in same sol.Al time we are also learning to use more efficient energy and is only a matter of time when almost all our energy needs will be borne by the Sun.

Recent energy & The Home research shows the majority of homeowners found in a State of confusion about the use of panels in your home to save on energy costs. To dispel myths and set the registration directly here are some facts about solar panels:

An installation of group you can add as much as 10% on the value of your home; A group installation can reduce their energy 100% bills; you can sell the excess energy which creates your energy company and get paid you each quarter; Panels create energy in all weather and climates.

With rising costs of energy, more and more homeowners are looking for alternative sources of energy to save money.

Find out if your home is suitable for a Solar Panel Organizer installation that a solar survey for your property is the starting point for change how you use energy and may very well be the smartest investment likely for some time.While energy costs have been going through the roof in recent years the production costs of solar panels has fallen drásticamente.estos factors combined with advances in solar technology have now made the perfect moment for a solar study of his property.

It is possible that your property is completely inappropriate for a solar installation or a solar installation would help only with some energía.También needs can be an installation will be not only meet its energy needs, but is also likely that in order to give cash come each quarter.

The only way you can find out is to reserve a solar survey libre.Debe take account more solar companies are able to do an initial solar survey via online without disrupting resources you or visit your property.

You can reserve a solar survey and compare costs for a leading supermarket solar panels of United Kingdom for solar panels solar panels on the price comparison site installation.

About the author
Tom Norris is Director General of the network of plastic media price comparison and passionately writes Blog compare supermarket prices each week on issues of renewable energy and home improvement.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Use of solar energy in everyday life

Solar today is ' known renewable source of energy which is available in abundance. This is also known as a clean energy source. Use of this energy has deployed its application in most fields. Sun power is widely used for various purposes in industry needs, as well as nationals. The main advantage of using energy is to save the environment and land.

Use of renewable energies has been represented in the form of solar devices such as heating, solar panels solar water, solar cookers, etc of solar calculators. Small devices through what solar power can be exploited.You can also configure solar electricity at home rather than electricity from the Gobierno.Para it only needs a roof to install solar panel.

Although the initial investment cost is high, maintenance and operational costs is very cheap.You can save energy and money with the use of photovoltaic cells solar.Solares energy are used in solar devices to generate electricity from light from the Sun and heat energy. These photovoltaic cells are able to convert photons to electrons which later becomes the human form of usable electricity.

Solar water heaters can be used for hot water for bathing and other purposes. solar calculators can work without using any batteries.Even do not need a shutdown button switch as gets automatically when there is no sunlight.With the increase in the use of solar energy, methods for the exploitation of solar energy and shop have advanced greatly.

Solar heaters are also used in cold areas for heating buildings and habitaciones.Esto replaces old camp fire and allows you to smoke and dangers due to solar fuego.Energía is mostly preferred, because it is 100% pollution very organic and does not leave any products. ? end harmful libre.Es

If you are considering adding a solar panel to your home to drastically reduce your electricity bill then withdraw my video on how I made my own solar panel for only some hundred dollars!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Use the production of solar panels to cut Electric bills

This article will show you how will show you how to save more money with producer panels using these proven energy solar energy-saving tips. As prices continue to rise on almost everything and it seems never back down, we all have to find ways to save money on our everyday lives. Here are some ways to save energy and keep some money in your pocket.

Convert current electric water heater hot gas or oil in a hot water heater. Hot water uses a huge amount of energy.If you are willing to apply this simple update one will be a large decrease in future facturas.Productores solar panels will be more than cover the cost of this update.

Energy efficiency of brand devices are available in the extremely efficient energy 12 volt models.These refrigerators, freezers, washers and dryers, you need only a small amount of power function, showing that they are alternative perfect to operate on solar energy.Rated energy Star appliances use 20-50% less energy than models tradicionales.Las load washers front Whirlpool Duet use only thirty-three per cent of the water than regular washers and is able to wash clothes 3 times more per charge. It is easy to see how fast can increase savings.

Turn off electrical appliances when not in use, could maintain much that money the electric bill in the bolsillo.Los devices such as TV, modems, satellite dishes, printers and computers used electricity while is disabled.Disconnecting in an outlet will ensure you are not eating until his ingreso.Debe eliminate additional or refrigerator freezer can easily reduce 10-30% of your electric bill.

Install a programmable to regulate air conditioning thermostat and heat to reduce your Bill eléctrica.Al close these units when no one is in the House and regulating the temperature of your home, you'll probably experience a 5-20% reduction in your monthly electric bill.

Here is the number one benefit from reading this article on production of solar panels:

You can personally install - without a contractor - a photovoltaic solar (or PV system) to make a solar energy system activates run its possible hogar.Es and there are some steps you can take on how to create your own energy producing solar panels.

Now that I've demonstrated that you could benefit from the use of solar energy producers panels I hope that I have provoked a desire in you to learn how to create your own source of energía.Imaginar save while and literally thousands of dollars by learning from one easy-to-follow instructions on making solar panels using solar and wind energy to reduce the costs of their utilidad.Para set download a set of instructions step by step follow this link:

Playing solar game - to know the truth

Several decades ago, solar energy was seen as a fashion passages that originated from the environmental concerns arising in the early 1960s. Today, is considered a desperate if there is any hope of improving the environment need. It is no secret that the environment world has been abused and is in trouble due to the continued use of non-renewable fossil fuels used in the production of energy and electricity.

Of as a result, it has become incredibly important to understand the importance and relevance of the use of solar energy which refers to the preservation of the environment mundial.Con shed more light on the importance of using solar energy, so the following is a list of numerous facts of solar power that may or may not be aware of.

Solar general information

Solar is respectfulThe production of electricity for heating of water and electricity are only two ways that benefit the use of solar energy.Dry clothes in the direct sunlight is also another benefit of using heat and light of the sol.Solar can also allow heated swimming pool as well as the power of small appliances or a vehículo.puede cook their food with solar energy.
The worldwide demand for solar continues to grow every day and currently is greater that the offer.
Made of solar energy on use of

Solar energy is usually measured in what is called "kilowatt hours" (kWh) or 1,000 watts, which is equivalent to the amount of electricity to light a 100 watt bulb for 10 hours.Approximately 30% solar power today is used to heat water.

Facts about the systems used for solar power generation

Solar home systems consist of 6 components - a battery, a charge controller, an investor, a battery, solar panels, cableado.Solar Home which are qualified as a 1 kW system usually take around 1-2 days for installation, and typically cost $10,000 or more depending on the size of the House which is being driven by the system and support structure.A 1 kW system requires a space of approximately 100 meters square installation and generally consists of solar cells 10-12.Si home receives an average of 5½ hours of direct sunlight per day, a 1kw solar system can generate around 1,600 kilowatt hours anuales.Esa figure falls to less than half of the output, if you live in a climate that is prone to days nublados.Un 1 kW system eliminates burning approximately 170 pounds of coal, 300 pounds of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere and saves up to 105 gallons of water consumption mensual.La most solar systems on the market today have a 5 year warranty while the life of the solar panels it has been estimated in up to 30 years. adding a battery back-up in the solar system that guarantees electricity when the Sun is not shining.

Josh Howard is an enthusiast of Going Green.Para the more great tips and advice on made of solar energy, visit

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Residential solar energy - solar energy problem solved

Houses and buildings consume billion kilowatts of energy each year. The continuous increase in energy demand has caused more and more power plants to be built, creating more greenhouse gases. If a mere 25 per cent of households become the use of solar energy, thousands of power plants can be shut down. In this article, find out if solar is suitable for your home.

To cut to the Chase, the main factor in the prevention of solar to go conventional is the cost.Solar panels and other equipment needed are very caros.El price is so expensive that in some parts of the world, if outside his home switch entirely to solar energy, takes you more than thirty years to recover its costs for home solar power system.

One of the first things you do if you are going to use this form of energy is to observe the pattern of time around your home.If you live in an area where it is mostly cloudy throughout the year, solar energy many not be feasible for the brightest sunlight, the higher electricity generation optimal será.Forma usted.básicamente home must receive at least 6 months of sunlight per year.

Residential solar energy centres to remember:

or solar panels and other equipment needed are very expensive.
or optimally, your home must be received at least 6 months of sunlight per year.
or many countries, especially in Europe, provide a substantial subsidy for the use of solar energy in homes.
or it is highly inefficient to put solar panels facing East or West, where exposure to sunlight is at its minimum.

The next thing to do is to consult with local authorities if subsidies are available for the use of solar energy in homes.Many countries, especially in Europe, provide a substantial subsidy for the use of solar energy in the hogares.Esto greatly reduces the cost of establishing the energy system.

The type of House that you're also is an important consideration when it comes to the use of energy solar.Si you lived in an apartment, it is possible to install solar panels on the roof of the buildings only be sure to check the Administration with its building first to see if it is admissible.

If you live in a single-family house, examine the number of surfaces facing north or the sur.Si home roof roof is based on the East and West, consider the possibility of if it is possible to place solar in highly inefficient to put solar panels facing East or West, where exposure to sunlight is located in your mínimo.Si jardines.Es to install solar in your garden, check with local authorities and local to see if it is authorized to do so zoning laws.

I encourage you to click on the link below for a free eBook about 101 ways to save energy: Residential Solar energy
You will learn ways to easy to save money on your power Bill and how to save up to 50% compared to home heating this winter.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

A career in solar energy - solar school

Solar energy is one of the first things that come to mind when you think of renewable energies. Going green is something that has been the news, television and the internet. Schools and programs are expanding, growing and leave due to the increasing demand for skilled in the field of solar energy.

Solar school can provide you with the training you need to start a new career or simply extend an old.There are a number of aspects to solar energy you need to first considerarse.En place is knowledge of the technology.

Technology has changed over the years.Solar panels have evolved over the years and come in a variety of different systems for a solar panel flexible.Por example, is an engineer working to determine how many solar panels pv, how big the panels should be and what type of panel must be installed. However, depending on the job description these types of engineers may or may not be as well as installation technicians.

Another aspect of solar school is the actual physical installation of the equipment.There are many things to consider when installing solar panels as the location of the panels. Many homes are not located in a location that allows maximum exposure estacionarios.Sin panels however, new technology allows flexible solar panels to move with the Sun to allow maximum exposure.However, these solar pv panels require space patio, which increases the likelihood sombra.Es these questions than solar school collaborates with the training responds to.

One of the biggest problems that individuals have when looking for curricula solar is the reputation of the program and find a program that will give them certification requiring a price they can afford and that certification will be worth something to them. There are a few things to look for when selecting a program that will be used for certification.

The first thing to consider is the reputation of the solar school. How long as school open State and what kind of certification offer?What is included in such certification?Is the recommended or program accredited by?These are all questions you should ask prior to signing for any program.

Most of the time, you will find travel solar school certification programs and many of them receive as conferences.This allows that many programs solar school travel and help meet demand growing on the market today in día.La industry has an amazing demand for qualified technicians and one offer limitada.Por that, many schools have opted to go to this ruta.Se allow maximum exposure and means that if an area is not even a program available but has a demand letter technicians certified solar is can meet demand within the área.Esto saves time and money, allowing the industry to expand without stagnant.

Ian McCoy is a partner of that this site is dedicated to all things environmental media and its impact on our consumption of energía.Para get more interesting information about all things green, visit

Friday, October 22, 2010

Roof shingles, boards, and tiles powered by solar energy - solar shingles Will tomorrow's main power

With increasing rates electric bills higher, we only want to use the abundant energy available for free, solar energy. The use of Solar tiles and shingles roofing panels is a wonderful to capture the infinite power of the Sun approach. And to be attractive and powerful, is environment friendly, while free electricity production. They are an incredible breakthrough in solar energy market.

Covered with solar cell you can be seen to resemble a regular asphalt roof but contain a special thin film of substance of photovoltaic cells in the top, which can take and transform sunlight directly into electricity that we use at home or any other just like any other regular Texas lugar.Al mixes with the roof in a pleasant way, and not ruin the value of the House.

The size of the regular roof surface is large enough and also depends on the needs of the casa.Y electricity these unicellular solar panels are capable of producing renewable energy in the coming years because they are devices that are designed for long-term use.

There are many benefits when Solar tiles, shingles and panels are used to cover:

-Energy - efficient because it uses free energy of the Sun.
-Reduce or reduce your electric bills - covered solar cell is only a single investment, i.e. you have to deal with the cost of installation once and will benefit from free electricity for the full range of the roof which will usually last a long time.
-Own freedom of electricity - with modern technologies today, is always an advantage to use the TV, computer, ipod, mobile phones, lighting, refrigerator and other appliances without having to worry about electric charges.
-Environment friendly-lots of people are increasingly concerned about the environment and environmental pollution control solar roofs help.
-Increases the speed of the resale of his house - by ten percent premium is added to your home solar power because having a home that has already installed a solar energy system will have a substantial premium in the value of the property.
-Solar energy is naturally abundant and reliable-Sun is everywhere, and our planet receives enough solar energy to the Sun in the form of heat radiation.
-Strong roofs - installation of a solar cell, one always roof thinks its durability, taking into account the fact that you may supply electricity for a long time so you should make sure that is going to last long.
-Keeps moisture and mould distancia.Ya is built to last, consists of selected materials that prevents rust, damp and mould.
-The non-free smelling by-products smell occur.
-Blackout protection-IT will continue to work during a power outage, of course, if with a battery bank.

Using solar tiles, shingles and panels for your deck has benefited much gente.Es the wave of the future, but anybody can get it now and start to enjoy tons of benefits without preocupaciones.Y from our biggest concerns now a days changes to global warming and climate, renewable energy sources are the only answer.

Do know that can easily generate all solar envelope with little cost? SER ecological and save money.

Go to for everything on the realization of solar energy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Are the pros and cons of solar energy - is the solar energy worth it?

What are the pros and cons of solar energy? Solar energy is the energy of the future and their use is increasing rapidly. But is it really effective it could be the answer to the energy crisis? Solar power alone is not the answer; However, it is an important player in the solution.

The pros are many. Solar energy is given free resource used by the Sun.Energy becomes ways you use power and yo.Las ways more common are the solar thermal and photovoltaic.

Solar thermal is using thermal energy from the Sun to heat the air and water power. Photovoltaic is the use of energy from the Sun to excite electrons in solar cells and converted to electricity.

Other professional solar energy is that once your computer is paid, all its energy is free. Solar energy is an investment, and will continue to pay. Do you know that if there is more power than you use, you are paid for energy?

One of the solar energy professionals is not detrimental to the environment. Because naturally produced is bad residue or side effects. Why renewable resources are so large; they are free, efficient, reliable and all natural.

Integrate some drawbacks are that can be costly.At least era.El cost is down dramatically, but it is the best way to build your own solar power systems.Yes, true;You can create your own affordable system.

Other solar energy is not 100% eficaz.Ahora not completely I call this a with, because all energy sources are not 100% effective.

Location is one of the major drawbacks of energy solar.Las clouds, trees, fog and pollution can affect all solar panels as well as not to occur during the best noche.La way to compensate for this is that an alternative method of power and excellent battery storage system.

Now that you know the pros and cons of solar energy can take the next step to be 100% reliable on renovables.Iniciar through the creation of a mini solar panel energy sources and use it to your PC portable, battery charger, cell phone, TV and other small accessories power.

Read the full review [] best seller, fully illustrated DIY solar energy manual aquí.Ahorre money and save the environment today.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How solar energy can I have my place?

Solar energy produced is a function of how many photons from sunlight strike his solar cell and how many of these photons actually obtain a movement create a flow of electrons. The number of photons, or amount of sunlight that hits its solar cell must determine to see how many cells or solar panels you'll need for the solar system. This energy will vary considerably depending on latitude, time of year and cloud cover that can wait for your region.

How we measure solar energy?

Solar energy is a combination of the hours of sunlight and the strength of the sunlight can expect on your site.This combination is expressed as insolation and is expressed as an average irradiance measured in kilowatt-hours per square metre per día.Por definition, solar irradiance of 1,000 watts per square metre is what is expected to noon in the middle of summer when the Sun is highest. Solar irradiance usually measured in the number of kilowatts per square meter per day, so if I were to Sun for 8 hours, and always in force majeure, the solar irradiance would 8.0.

Solar irradiance can vary significantly throughout the year especially in northern latitudes.For example, irradiance for New York City is 6.0 in June and 1.7 only in December, producing an average for the year of 4.0.This means that the solar energy in December is 70% less than in junio.Compare this with Phoenix where irradiance is 7.8 in June and 3.0 in December or 5.5 for the year if you are not tied to the grid, this means that its capacity has to be more than 2.3 to 3 times the size which may be dictated by June numbers. The values for your location are easily available online from NASA satellites have been compiling this information around the world for many years.

How do we use Irradiance to plan the size of your system.?

If we know how many kilowatts we need to meet the electrical requirements of our home, we are in a position to change the size of our system.If we are building a grid-tie system, you can use the annual irradiance average for its calculation since the goal is to make our payment with your utility company zero during an entire year. If we are building a system from outside the network, we have to choose the value of the irradiance for December, because we need to produce enough energy throughout the year.

If you divide your requirements for the day of the irradiance, you will receive the number of Watts which must generate the system.For example, if your home in Phoenix requires 600kw per month, or 20kw per day, system would be necessary to generate approximately 3600 Watts per hour of full sol.Desde solar panels cite the Watts of power they produce based on the standard of 1,000 watts per square metre may divide 3600 Watts output panels for our example, the number of panels you need for your have if the panel is valued at 150 Watts, 24 panels would be necessary.

My name is Bruce Clancy and I've been a Do It Yourself nut for more than 25 years. at that point, I have I gained a lot of knowledge about the challenges that face owners when dealing with a new project and learn new habilidades.Con energy costs rise, I cumplí my energies for installation solar casa.Si owner to learn more about a solar energy system, please visit my site at

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Exploit the goodness of solar power - solar panels

Imagine that your home is running with only 10% of the electricity you're using now and the rest is offset by the energy of sunlight? Own thought is very rewarding and refreshing. Welcome to the world of solar energy, which has more to offer it may be even. Energy present in the light of the Sun is very sufficient to run our daily operations which could be used instead of electricity. Sunlight gave us the perfect option to eliminate the use of electricity and treat natural resources, which in turn is accomplished by the singularity of solar panels.

Solar panels are equipped with solar cells that are organized in the form of a grid on the surface of the device and this in turn absorbs the Sun's rays and makes the same power. Generated power, then stores from batteries, which can then be used at our convenience. The device is composed of various materials and varied technologies and in all, it is an incredible team that has been designed to meet current needs.A solar panel can generate up to 120 watts of power and indeed if we use more of this in a House and link them properly, you can make them generate almost 1KW is a great achievement in Yes mismo.Al install several of this device in our homes, we can reduce our use of electricity in ten or twenty percent of our normal use.

Solar panels have triggered a new line of power generation and that in turn will helps us to understand the way nature works.

It is possible to build solar panels at home by referring to the Web page

Ten reasons for the use of solar energy

Top ten reasons to the use of solar energy are:

1. The electricity bill savings:

Solar energy is a sustainably produced naturally by the sol.Uso solar home energy can help cut electricity cost by half or even menos.Hay implementation start-up costs associated with it, but you can recover the cost savings on the invoice of electricity during a period of time.

2 Ecological:

Solar energy is an eco friendly source, or the environment of the energía.No is freed gases greenhouses, carcinogens and CO2 as fossil fuels. Electricity generated from solar panels is emission-free.In addition, releases less quantities of hazardous gases.

3 Reuse:

Solar panels are reusable and can be recycled. Once the life of the solar panel, you can break into pieces and reuse its framework and even old solar panels cableados.puede repuesto.El material present in the solar cells Silicon parts or purchase can be reused to make a new solar panel for your home.

4. In accordance power source:

Sun is a constant power source is energy solar solar.Energías continue where the Sun is giving their sunlight.Simply put, is a never-ending source of energy.

5. Low cost maintenance:

Dirt and dust can reduce the amount of energy produced by panels solares.Sin embargo, the maintenance cost is negligible, since there are no parts mobile. easily can be maintained by cleaning it regularly.This will cause your panel solar to work longer and effectively.

6 Silent:

Solar energy is a producer of silence of the energía.No has no moving parts that create noise pollution.

7. Less dependence on electricity:

Solar energy works regardless of energía.Por networks therefore, is not dependent on any food. no company you have to pay any invoice or link charges.

8. The reduced dependence on foreign oil:

One of the major reasons for using solar energy is its minimal dependence on oil extranjero.Esto is very important for the well-being of a país.Electricidad produced by other sources of energy can be easily replaced by solar energy.

9 Affordability:

A large number of solar panels is available at a cost razonable.Esto makes an affordable option for all.

10. One way to make money:

If your system is producing large amounts of electricity, then, can be sold on local power companies.

For more information, visit the Austin Energy conservation.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cut your home and business electricity costs drastically with solar energy

Governments around the world are encouraging citizens to go 'green' on a global initiative to save our planet. Manufacturers are doing their bit to make products that are environmentally friendly. These include televisions and other home appliances. Gas for our cars even has been modified to be eco-friendly. Isn't it time that home owners began to consider the installation of solar energy systems?

Panels to store energy from the Sun are equipped roof of the House. Solar panels are designed to absorb sunlight and then convert it into electricity.Stored electricity is fed in a generator that distributes electricity throughout casa.Todo at home can work perfectly with electricity obtained through solar heating.

Many Governments have offered refunds or grants to individuals using this form of electricity.These concessions encourage many people to go to solar.Pero energy path the best news is that, once it becomes solar heating, your monthly charge of electricity can fall therefore as 50 to 80 percent. It's a huge savings!

Sun is free, unlike oil, gas and other fossil fuels that enter into production of electricity. Certainly, some places do not have much sun, but this is not to say that cannot use solar generated electricity. And, naturally, in countries that enjoy lots of Sun, really no excuse not to use solar heating.

Solar systems have been unfairly criticados.Vamos to put to rest once and for all! It is the first 'myth' of solar heating systems are very expensive.It is true, what critics fail to mention is that it is only its initial outlay is caro.Una time that your system is installed and works, the savings that you make every month will soon cover the cost of purchase of your system.

The second criticism is that solar energy is not available in cloudy weather. Solar systems can work effectively as long as there is light, so it will continue to receive a constant supply of power even on cloudy days.Solar energy will obviously be reduced considerably in countries experiencing freezing of rain and snow rich winters.

But consider this: Germany only gets half the amount obtained from the United States sunshine.Two-thirds of Germany daylight hours are Nubladas.Llueve throughout the year.And however almost half powered electricity solar worldwide generated each year is produced in Germany.Ago believed, doesn't it?

Solar energy systems are improving the tiempo.Con latest technology at your disposal, designers are able to create innovative new systems of solar today's ideas have come a long way since 1954, when a group of American scientists place several strips of silicon to capture the energy of the luz.Este was the first worldwide solar panel.

There is no out of him - solar power systems are here to quedarse.Y whether we like it or not, we will soon be forced to use in our solar casas.Energía provides the only viable solution to the shortage of other forms of last energía.Una word of advice - get a high quality Solar Panel system for best results.

The author is a freelance writer for Solar energy companies.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Some important and a new solar energy facts

Without argument, during the last century electricity provided opportunities for the majority of major advances and enhancements, media known to mankind. New technologies and inventions, dependent on electric power, are constantly being developed. To measure the growth of the world's population and economy increases so too the exponential demand for electricity. Today, electricity has become a commodity people cannot live without. In the past, fossil fuels such as coal and oil we provided the resources needed to produce electricity using generators in power plants. Recently, led to an increase in the demand for new research for the development of safe and clean energy sources. Such a source of energy is solar energy.

Understanding of best solar industry helps people accept the possibility of energy solar decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.The cost of fossil fuels is going to increase while at the same time inevitably will decrease your disponibilidad.Aquí are some important, and few facts solar, new energy that everyone should know.

Solar energy has been available to humanity since day 1.
Available for all members of each country. In the course of a year, each person has access to the same amount of solar energy.
Solar energy is free and plentiful. Spending only enters the picture when we try to take advantage of solar energy and convert it to usable energy sources for everyday use.
Solar energy is available only during daylight hours. But with storage battery, can be saved and made available for use during the hours of night time power.
Solar energy is renewable.
It is renewable every 12 to 14 hours. Solar electric panels are becoming more easily available and affordable.
This makes the following popular both commercially as residentially. Solar panel grids can start small in size, and then expand as the demands of the need and individual finances dictate.
Solar energy can be directly converted to electricity or stored as battery power.
People, then can use this power to heat or cold homes, hot water, illuminating houses during the night, execution of devices and much more.
The majority of solar panels have a guarantee of more than 20 years and a life expectancy of more than 40 years. This makes an excellent investment for Office or home owner.Solar panels have no moving parts, therefore, require very little maintenance, virtually any replacement parts and run quietly and eficiente.Con installation of solar energy, the U.S. house owner receives a credit generous Uncle Sam tax. Technical advances and new inventions continue to solar energy more affordable and effective.

Move the trend towards the use of energy more clean and sustainable is essential.Why we can not have the energy of the Sun and improve the well-being of mankind? solar electricity systems provide the means to achieve this goal.

Solar electricity systems use direct and indirect energy of the sol.Para more information of solar energy, methods of saving energy and products that can reduce its dependence on your power company guidelines go to

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The many advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Advantages of solar energy

Solar energy has many environmental and financial benefits that few people know about from. The amount of sunlight reaching the Earth is over 6000 times the amount of energy consumed.Solar is an incredibly clean source of renewable energy and has the highest density of power between renovables.No energy sources there are no emissions during the use of solar panels.

One of the greatest benefits of the use of solar is that requires very little maintenance.Operating costs are incredibly low compared with other methods of energy such as wind, geothermal, gas natural or combustible fossils. the use of off-grid power, solar energy is very advantageous due to its ease of use. Households in the rural areas, satellites and remote applications have used solar panels for energy production for years.

Grid connected solar electricity can be used in a distributed manner and provide electricity locally to companies and households. This reduces the power lost through the transmission of electricity.


Solar photovoltaic systems are very expensive to install.There have been some concerns about the value of the photovoltaic depreciated as sells the House.Much of the value of the installation you may lose if the homeowner moves and home buyer places less value in system solar.La city of Berkeley in California has devised a solution by adding a tax transferred to the House to pay for solar panels.

Period depreciation that can run as 15-20 years is seen as too long for many people that want to get a rapid return on investment. Another disadvantage is that solar does not work at night and on cloudy days demasiado.Un storage device is required to store the energía.Durante to usable AC-DC power conversion process, there is a loss of energy from 4-12%.

Learn how to build an enclosure for its solar.encontrar matrix more complete instructions and illustrations on how to build a Solar Panel system here