Saturday, November 6, 2010

The pros and cons of solar - made solar power!

Are you frustrated lately watching your electric bill? Wonder what you can do to resolve the problem, and one solution would be to solar energy. Here are some of the pros and cons of solar energy. However, the advantages of using solar energy outweigh the disadvantages of solar energy.

Main cons against solar energy are the following:

or is very expensive to install (this is partially true, as today you can find good suppliers of solar cells, or you can create them yourself with the right Guide);
or you can achieve that your home is not in a good position to capture the maximum of sunlight;
or its roof may not be appropriate for the installation of solar cells (use them in a garage or other building if you have one);
or you can produce energy only when there is sunlight, by what you need to store the excess energy during the days of bad weather

The main advantages of solar energy are as follows:

Once installed, solar energy is almost free, very cheap if you want to
or depending on where you live, there are government grants for the installation of alternative energy in your home, including the energy of sunlight
or is a type of renewable energy, which means that do not produce any type of contamination, helping you to and others make a difference for the environment
or will you not depend enterprises of energy and its variations in prices, lately only addresses upwards
or if you live in a remote area, is a good alternative for lighting and heating your home
or you can sell excess power to power companies
or that are easy to maintain once installed

These are the facts of solar energy, and as you can see the positive aspects of using it are clearly outweigh the main negativos.La cause of that people are from the installation of solar energy residential instalarlo.Sin expensive costs however, can do solar panels very cheap nowadays with Guide right about how construirlas.A judge the pros and cons of energy solar is a good way to analyze whether solar energy is right for you and your home.

Are you tired of spending so much money on energy bills? want to reduce the cost of your electric bill and have a residential solar energy which will save thousands of dollars in the future? here is my review of the product pros and cons of solar .Que take a look at this earth4energy review and you will find your freedom of energy.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Solar energy - solar energy for your home

More and more people in the United States and around the world are considering the possibility of installing a system of alternative energy to feed their homes. Most popular choices among the owners of the House are solar energy and wind energy systems. The preferred option depends on the location: there is no point in installing a solar panel in a place where not obtain sufficient sunlight! However, for most locations, solar energy is a better option (and always can be supplemented with a turbine, wind, just in case!)

Solar generators produce electricity via so-called solar or photovoltaic cells, which convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy by the photovoltaic effect. These devices have been developing rapidly in recent decades, and now solar power systems are much cheaper and more efficient than it was only ten years ago.From the economic point of view, it is certainly very feasible to install a generator of residential energy as a source of additional energy to reduce the costs of the electricidad.Además, solar energy can be even cheaper for you, because many States and regions provide important incentives to consumers such as tax exemptions or direct discounts.

Why choose solar electricity for your home? Apart from the obvious economic considerations, has the following benefits:

-Clean.Does not require the burning of fossil fuels and produces no greenhouse gases.

-Abundant .the solar energy is really unlimited end prácticos.La amount of energy radiated by the Sun to reach Earth every minute is more than the annual worldwide energy consumption.

-Easy to install and use solar .Paneles do not require complex and costly, maintenance once installed.

In general, installing its own system of solar home is definitely a good way to reduce your electricity costs and reduce the unit of fossil fuels.

Casa predefined solar panels can be quite caros.Pero, why pay for them, if you can have a DIY system for less than $200?See our guide to a system of low cost home solar energy using components available.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Advantages of solar energy!

What are the advantages of solar energy? Solar energy or energy from the Sun has innumerable advantages. Some of the main advantages of energy are discussed here in this article. This energy is available for all and also unlimited. This means that for the next several thousand human generations, we will not fall below of solar energy. Therefore, for all practical purposes, will never be exhausted.

Regardless of direct visibility of the Sun on cloudy days, is the presence of solar radiation that is the true source of this energía.Otra advantages main which makes the most economical energy source is that this energy is totally free of cost.

The only cost incurred depends on the initial cost of the set. But once you have passed the stage of initial investment, harness solar power equipment for the rest of his life, absolutely free of charge and has no requirements feeding or lubrication.

There is no future billing, not payroll for massive scales for employees, management systems, etc.This is because most solar systems are automated and self-powered for self-start, self-operation and self-help shut-down.Con greater use in companies and manufacturing of as a result of massive and even with its use by regular consumers in segments of products, such as panels for hot water, solar powered systems are becoming more affordable with each passing day.

With the rising prices of depletion of energy sources such as oil, etc., will be finally the cheapest.Due to their free provision, it is also independent of territorial ownership, distribution, disputes and associated charges.

Finally, it is completely free of contamination.Its use does not cause harmful residues or contaminants that cause a danger to the environment.Does not require purification or refining of substances that will reduce their efficiency or the ability to provide energía.Opera with 100% confidence, and is therefore completely devoid of noise pollution.

This energy is available even in the remotest areas of the planet Earth, where no other form of energy is economically viable.Es a myth that this energy is available for use only during the day and that devices fall dead in the darkness of the noche.puede work similar to investors that recharge when there is no electricity and putting in place when an error occurs in the same electricidad.Del mode based devices, solar energy supply equipment and machines can work during the day and may have a recharging unit to provide energy during the night.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Solar energy and the hype - what solar and why now?

Solar energy

Today, the great exaggeration is solar energy! This solar and solar to. What we really know about solar energy? You can easily create yourself or you need a team of engineers, electricians and contractors?Will work all the time and I will never be out of the grid? why there are only so many questions how to reach a decision on what to buy or to hire?

For me, I would like to check everything so you can find online and then try some pilot projects to see if I can save money and do it myself. Now I have had some good times and some bad times do it this way, but in the end I know what needs to be done and there is no pulling the wool over my eyes if I need to hire to work.

I went ahead and calls a solar energy company to exit and give me a free my property assessment and the best solution for solar energy.Came out and the installation of a device that measures the sol.También had some Sun in my area path diagrams and showed me where the optimal position to place solar panels. A long short story again and looked at your device-of course I had Sun and can compromise a system for me for $$$ $$$. Of tax incentives from the State and the federal Government was still searching for a little smaller $$ $$$ investment.

I wasn't too happy with the amount that would have to pay a mortgage, wife and three children. I still wanted to try solar energy which is why I signed for a solar energy on the Internet that promised bids, you can make your own solar panels for children up to $200.Products were around $50-$ 75, easily blew each pay by giving a received disparo.He my solar kit immediately and I was able to get my first panel solar in a weekend get parts of all the people. The little solar panel was not to my house, it is a start. I am now working as I am in more solar to start a grid array. Soon the power company will pay me.

What I wanted to say is not anything different you have heard before on the Internet before, but how many people will take to take action and do something about?Help you and the Earth by improving the environment and the reduction of their gastos.Pruebe a do-it-yourself (diy) solar kit.You will find all make you same kits videos with step-by-step instructions, drawings and diagrams and detailed illustrations that will guide you through making your own solar energy very easily.You can start without even the feeling in the pocket book.Make the world a favor and in the end it will be you and your family by harvesting the beneficios.Haga click this link to go to a page of web I give you some offers and a lot of information about renewable energy and ways to save energy without buying anything.

See this site for information on how to reduce your electric costs without buying nada.También you will find information on solar and wind. links can be found on the site that will show you the tax incentives of real state through the United States and Yes, you will find five offerings of make you same energy kits solar.Te are under no obligation to clicking on them.



Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Solar energy - how to use solar energy at home

Use solar power? How to use solar energy at home? It is not as hard as you might think. There are tons of the reason why you should jump at the opportunity of using solar energy.

Solar energy is very stable and requires little or no maintenance. You can indeed produce electrical energy continuously for thousands of hours without touching it.A solar energy system generates electricity during the day, even when it is cloudy or lluvioso.Opcionalmente, then you can maintain excess power in a battery of deep cycle for future use.

Another benefit is, of course, that you may produce less pollution.Fossil fuels emit pollutants into the atmosphere every time you are utilizan.También are a finite resource so it will eventually run out. You never have to worry about running out of Sun!

Building your own solar home system is fairly cheap.In fact is considerably cheaper compared to commercially produced solar panels.You can build your own solar cells and connect them to a solar panel that is as good as a professionally built for about one tenth of the cost.

Homemade solar energy is the way to go, not preguntas.Usted can buy a downloadable book that has all the step-by-step instructions on how to build and install their own solares.Algunos panels have videos, as well as for more Visual students.

By understanding these solar guides, is realistic produce enough power to remove completely of his made energía.De Bill, once produce enough power, you can begin to sell the company energy and turn a profit!

For step-by-step instructions, go to for step by step pictures and a video on solar energy Guide.

3 Forms of collection and use of solar energy

If measures the energy of the Sun in terms as compared with the energy produced by oil, Sun gives enough energy to Earth in 20 minutes to meet all the requirements of the planet a year! And in fact, solar energy already provides a large amount of energy to the Earth by transform through a variety of natural environments, heating surfaces, which influence on weather and even through photosynthesis, which provides the energy needed to power plants grow.

What are some aspects that on earth we can leverage best all this solar power freely distributed? Sun energy can be processed in three main ways:

1. Solar technical liabilities

This refers to the ways that the sunlight and heat can be used to advantage, without any additional processing required.This category includes such simple things as allowing sunlight to the stream through a window and in a home, warning, of course, the rooms.

Some ways to take advantage of passive solar techniques would be efficient use energy, planning and better placement of concrete floors and ceramic Windows so that you can collect and store more sunlight.

A building that has been optimized for passive solar can have additional Windows that is placed on the South side, for example, to take advantage of more hours of sunshine to the día.Incluso something this simple can greatly reduce home energy bills.

2 Collection of solar energy

Solar energy can be collected and stored as heat energy.Solar collectors take solar radiation and concentrate then on very defined areas, increase strength and heat energy. These can be used to heat, cool water or rooms, or the creation of a power to enable air or liquids to transfer heat to a different location.

Different types of solar collectors, include:

-A set of pipes that fits on a flat plate copper or metal that has been isolated in a box under glass.The sun streaming through the glass produces heat in the plate, which is directed, then the liquid in the tuberías.Esto is known as an "Office of flat plate".

-A tube is a more efficient way of collecting solar energy at high temperatures.This type of solar collector is made up of a series of tubes, which are then installed in vacuum glass tubes separado.estos prevent interior cooling and ensure sends more heat in the extremely high temperatures líquido.A, a reflector tubes may be used with the aim of concentrating solar power in the tubes.

-Hot water using solar energy was the first use of solar energy, from early 20th century.These systems can be used throughout the year (even in cold when combined with the use of antifreeze climates) and are now commonly seen in many countries.

-Solar powered air heaters mounted on a wall are mainly used for heating the air ventilation of buildings that have large open spaces.Air enters through holes in a dark metallic container which is heated and then takes in the building.

-A new form of solar collector involves the use of mirrors to run steam which create electricity turbines.These thermal energy systems are becoming particularly popular in hot, dry climates where there is a lot of sunlight and open land.

-Evacuated tube collectors can also be used for cooling systems taking advantage of the high temperature of power tubes heat this technology can help to reduce the use of natural gas that would normally be used to run cooling systems.

3 Solar cells of

Solar energy can be transformed into electricity by solar cells using photovoltaic (PV) .this method uses modules, each consisting of a set of solar cells connected together in a number of these modules contenedor.Cualquier covered glass can be used together in order to produce more or less energy, depending on what is needed for an application in particular.Las solar PV cells usually are made of crystalline silicon or cuarzo.Otros material that can be used are copper, amorphous silicon or di-Indium selenide cadmium telluride.

The cost of PV cells and solar panels (modules) has been declining, recently, with the development of new techniques of manufacture. These are widely used to provide power remote independent as headlights and radio and heat and lighting in desarrollo.El countries towers structures use solar cells to provide energy for domestic use is increasing in developed countries, and many Governments are encouraging their use to provide financial incentives to those who install solar cells for their residencias.Además, improvements in the process of construction of solar panels is now making it much easier for people to build their own, in a dramatic on commercial paneles.Ahora cost savings is quite feasible for a homeowner to save much on electricity by building and installing their own solar panels.

If you want more information, get the complete guide on how to make a solar panel at home to reduce or even eliminate your electricity bill!

Thank you

I am very interested in alternative energy how you can use to save costs and other resources naturales.Visite my blog on alternative energy resources for our latest updates!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Benefits of solar energy understanding versus costs - Things are getting the best way!

Increasing prices of oil, the environmental issues and talk about global warming have all lead to greater awareness of the need for alternative sources of energy. Hydro projects being so expensive and projects being so unreliable, we must begin to look over near solar wind.

Solar energy technology has advanced considerably in recent years.Solar hot water heating technology is highly advanced and can now be used almost anywhere in the country with various results. production of electrical energy of the solar cells is also developing very well with the cost in equipment and services.

Solar heating systems can significantly reduce your electric bills from hot water accounts for more than 35% of the normal annual electric bill for heating.An electrical household solar reduces your electric bill, but the payback for a solar electric system is still several years.

One thing to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to invest in a solar system for you home, is the largest value in your home when ever decide venderlo.Gente is willing to pay more for a House with solar energy components already installed since most people want to save money on your bills energy and at the same time helping the environment.

Some people like the appearance of a solar home panel because they are discrete and tend to be low-maintenance.Once again, the appearance of a solar panel is beyond the prospective design, tends to show thinking ahead of the owner of the House that said more than design.

North America is still rare to see solar panels to homes and businesses.There is still a novelty aspect see solar panels, but in Europe are becoming more frequent, especially in Germany.As the price falls will continue to see more solar energy that is installed on the world systems United States bottom offers great promise for the application of solar energy panels.

There are people trying to install some forms of small solar cells themselves, while others rely on a professional to plan, install and maintain solares.Si systems are going to install a system itself is best read as much information as possible and fully plan the installation of solar by instalarla.Siempre system can be converted to a professional if you are in problemas.Los benefits of solar energy, no doubt, by way of costs, and will continue to go well in the future.

Learn more about solar energy and projects do it yourself by visiting the website solarDIYHQ.Tenemos many DIY solar projects for adults and children.